Wednesday, June 26, 2024 11:00 AM |

BPC Learning Session – Succession Planning for Small Shops

When and where

icon calendarDate and time Wednesday, June 26, 2024 11:00 AM
Location Online Webinar

In our industry—and especially for small organizations—effective succession planning is vital. You’ve nurtured a talented team, but what happens when key players like your Executive Director or CEO depart unexpectedly? A tailored succession plan will help preserve the organizational vision and allow for a more seamless transition.

In their final learning session of the 2023-24 year, Monica Chohan will share invaluable insights and succession planning best practices for small organizations. The session will encourage active participation, whether through chat engagement or live reflections, offering real-time learning experiences with practical examples.

This session is open to all BPC members, including AMPA members. As the session will focus on succession planning for leadership roles, they also encourage you to invite board members to attend. This will be moderated by Annie Gibson, Publisher, Playwrights Canada Press and BPC Board Director. A recording and additional resources will be provided post-event.