Ian Cooney

Services Offered

Social Media Links


Location: Edmonton, AB

Ian Cooney is currently a Director of Editorial and Content at a small digital marketing agency in Edmonton.

I oversee the day-to-day digital campaigns, including the copy, design, strategy, advertising, and other creative, of over 30 on-going campaigns. I self-published my first novel “It’s a Long Way Down” in 2018 under the name “Ian Canon.” The year before that, I published “Before Oblivion,” a collaborative collection of poems and paintings with a local painter named Jai Tanninen. I plan to self-publish my second novel, “What We Do On Weekends” in 2020. I’ve also had stories published in Kyler Zeleny’s Found Polaroids, The Sunlight Press, and the Spadina Literary Review. I’ve edited papers from the undergraduate to graduate level.

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