Urban Affairs

Urban Affairs (or Urban AF) is an online publication that tells uniquely Edmonton stories, in a way that does away with some of the boring, established practices that are killing modern journalism. We don’t need to do the “we were there” reporting, to tell people about press conferences they already streamed. We prefer one-on-one chats to scrums. Our readers are already plugged into the city. They care about their community. We’re here to tell the stories behind the stories, the kind of thoughtful pieces that are the hallmarks of magazine journalism. With a pro-business attitude, Urban AF reflects the thinking of local entrepreneurs, city builders and those that want to see Edmonton thrive. With a weekly newsletter hitting more than 6,000 engaged subscribers, Urban Affairs is becoming Edmonton’s must-read for business.

  • Digital Subscription: Free


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Odvod Publishing Inc
10221 123 Street N.W.
Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1N3

